Join the Team
For Modeling, Acting, and Stylist Opportunities email: NEWFACES@FUSETALENT.COM
Although experience is preferred, we are currently accepting submissions for all levels of Talent ages 5-80.
Models & Actors: Email a minimum of 2 Head-shots and 2 Full-body shots ( must be current pics ). Pics do not have to be professional, however, they must be CLEAR and preferably a non-busy background. Please include a resume of experience and demos for Actors.
Include the following in your email:
NEW FACES in the subject and your name.
Attach pics & Resume if applicable
Phone number:
Shirt size:
Jacket size:
Shoe size:
Current Eye & Hair color:
* Stylists: Email 8 pics of your latest work along with a resume of experience and links to your demos, if applicable.
* NO PHONE CALLS please and no WALK-INS please. We will ONLY contact you if we are interested in representing you. PLEASE allow approximately 4 weeks for a response. Email allows for a quicker response. Mailing these items will take much longer. Thank you for your interest in Fuse Talent!
* You must be 18 years or older to submit. Those under the age of 18 must have a Parent or Guardian to submit.